Boris Zolotov was born in 1947 and gives his seminars (10-15 days, the price is about 10 euro per day per person) in the former USSR and some neighboring countries (Bulgaria, Hungary) from 1988. Before taking this "job" he worked for Soviet Academy of Sciences on a high level on the edge between science and paranormal like dolphin research.

Boris Zolotov is Russian spiritual master with a scientific approach. His father Eugeniy Zolotov was Soviet scientist, a designer of Soviet missiles.

Boris Zolotov and his sister Olga Zolotova both give seminars to those interested in knowing themselves and the world. You can compare their seminars to Flower of Life seminars, or to "Earth and Sky" seminars by Drunvalo Melchizedek.
Olga Zolotova (she is younger than her brother) gives basic level seminars. As some have said in our chat, at this point in his life, Boris is more interested in learning new stuff himself, than in teaching others.
Some things Boris Zolotov and his team are doing
- expert-operator interaction: operator sends signals, expert receives them. He is teaching this on seminars. (
More about EOI in Carol's article.) If one learned how to be an expert, one can easily give a medical diagnosis, making the sick person an operator. Supposedly, a team of Zolotov trained operators monitors Russian submarines in Pacific ocean and fixes problems before they occur. I know it sounds unreal. Some insiders link the "Kursk" submarine tragedy to the fact that one of the girls from Zolotov team suddenly left it to pursue life outside "the system".
- your usual contacts with alien civilizations. They are very good at this.
- fast learning through love. Supposedly, if you really-really strongly love each other with somebody and you managed to open to each other completely, you can "glean" the knowledge from your partner.

Boris Zolotov seminar looks like...
A seminar looks like a series of lectures (given by Zolotov himself) and "dance" sessions. The person or persons who move with music on a floor are supposed to feel what's inside them and let it develop in the form of dance. Unless you are deep into "the system" you can't understand much of the lecture. Some say, an Zolotov gives it some affirmation, that the lecture isn't important, the shining he radiates is. And yes, he IS shining, things happen around him. There were plenty of what would seem "miracle" healings by him -- regenerated spleen, cured blood cancer, etc. (I talked to those people.) Once, on a seminar in Kiev, he tried to regenerate a hand (from the elbow down) to a girl about 3-4 y.o. It didn't work. But he doesn't do healing on a regular basis, he doesn't work as a healer. He just does it sometimes.
I see that he is no Lao-Tsu follower, Zolotov is active. He reminds me of a curious 5-y.o. boy who wants to explore the whole world around him. Although he has to use some passivity tricks. Like laziness.