Since 1999 I'm attending Boris Zolotov Extra-sensory-perception (ESP) seminars. (Automatic translation of my review of my first seminar.) And right away I created a website and a blog in Russian about these seminars - because I realized it is such a unique thing. Later I created a page in English about Boris Zolotov and his seminars.
A year ago I created a blog about Nikolay Denisov teleportation research. Denisov is a friend of Boris Zolotov and I'm helping him spread information about his reasearch by setting up free online teleportation lessons and by blogging about his research.
So here I'll be putting Boris Zolotov ESP seminar news and maybe will even put old news - backdated (if I find them in time machine). Below is me:
Moscow, may 2009. Kostya
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