Monday, June 29, 2009

Boris Zolotov seminars. Some answers

Boris Zolotov seminar in winter. What to expect?

Question: For the seminar what we need?
I have heard that is very cold , that last week it was snowing . it is cold ????
We are going to be in cabins ??? Do they have heating? Do we have to take some towels and soap? Please can you tell me all the things that we need.

Answer: Yes, it will be cold outside. (You can look up the whether on any big internet portal, like or ) So take with you warm clothes: a coat, sweaters, pants, footwear, a hat to cover your head, gloves, warm socks. Most likely everything will be in snow. (The views will be beatiful!)

You will be sleeping in a warm room on a bed with clean linens (clean sheets) that will be changed about once a week. The batteries in your room will be hot, but bringing warm pajamas would be a good thing.

Yes, take towels, soap, slippers (shower footwear), etc.

Place where everything will take place is outside the city in a beatiful forest.

As to the translator for you -- most likely there will be English speaking persons there and it will be fun for them to help you. If you are lucky there'll be even a person speaking Spanish! :)))

Do you have a cell phone? Will it function in Moscow? Do you have international rouming in it? Good if you have a GSM phone.

If you have a VISA credit card -- you will be able to get money from an ATM. Also it would help if you will have some US dollars in cash -- like 100 or 200 per person. US dollars are easily exchangeble for Russian roubles. It would be very hard to exchange Mexican dollars in Moscow.

photo from an early Zolotov seminar
photo from an early Zolotov seminar

Questions about Boris Zolotov seminars answered

To answer questions I just received from Kopenhagen:

1. As Zolotov spends his time traveling mainly through Russia, there is no email address for him. He has a cell phone but he keeps its number private. If you want to get in touch with him -- try to email me at and I'll attempt to pass your info along.

2. Zolotov doesn't specifically teach using your mind's screen and he doesn't specifically teach to see with eyes closed, although some got those things on his seminars. (Nikolay Denisov, a colleague and a friend of Boris Zolotov gives seminars where he specifically teaches to see with your eyes closed. I've been on one and I've seen that it works. It takes a lot of dedication, but it works. I personally prefer ways that allow me to remain lazy.)

3. In my experience when you are around Zolotov, things go fast and you meet your personal transformative experiences.

4. A seminar usually lasts 10-14 days; exercises and lectures normally run at different times around the clock. You participate, then you sleep, then you participate again.

5. There is an article on Zolotov, Denisov and Viacheslav Bronnikov in August 2001 issue of Spirit of Maat magazine.

Паровозик на одном из очень старых семинаров Бориса Золотова

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