Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Installations by Zoia

These beautiful installations are made by Zoia. She is author of about 150 works.
Я стою возле инсталляций Зои из Новосибирска. Тут их почти не видно, сфоткаю их отдельно.
Только что узнал, что картина, что понравилась мне больше всего (девушка с перевернутым бокалом танцует на звездах), написана Наташей Хатылевой. Надо будет выразить ей мое восхищение.

I got a prize!

2 nights ago I was awarded with one of Assambley prizes - a hippo doll. I was sitting in the hall and thinking how nice it would be to receive a prize like others do. In about ten minutes I heard an announcement that I am to receive one of the prizes. I was very glad!
Позавчера участников награждали призами Ассамблеи. Я сидел на скамейке и загрустил - вот бы и мне приз получить. А в один прекрасный момент назвали мое имя и вызвали на сцену получать приз - вот такого бегемотика из лозы. А потом БЕЗ еще дал медаль "Озверин 09". Было неимоверно приятно!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

IAFP session opening

Городилова открывает сессию Академии ФП.
Elena Gorodilova opens IAFP session 20 min ago.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Sporting hyperplay at Assambley

Идет спортивно-мультяшная работа. Сначала были только спортсмены, потом присоединились звери.

A hyperplay at Assambley in Moscow. Participants: people and animals from animated movies

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Mexico expedition

It was announced that the Assambley MotoMoto Festival will continue at least until December, 6 2009.

Also was announced about an Expedition to Mexico with Boris Zolotov. It will take place sometime in late December or in January 2010.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Holy Grail mystery at seminar

Yesterday at seminar there was a mystery about Holy Grail. Every one would pick one of 6 cups to drink a little bit. They contained brandy, vodka, water, juice, wine and berry juice. I picked a cup with brandy and made a little sip

Мистерия с чашей Грааля на Ассамблее Мотомото

Animals from Madagascar animation were taking people from the hall to the cups

Герои Мадагаскар-2 на Ассамблее Мотомото (2009)

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Peacemakers who visited Sri Lanka

At Assambley 2009 scene are some of members of peacemaking expedition to Sri Lanka in Jan 2009. 20 years-long civil war at Lanka has ened just one month after their return to Russia.

Hungarian students arrived to the Assamley

Hungarian and Bulgarian students of Boris Zolotov arrived at his seminar tonight.
Picture is showing them on the scene

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Snow in Moscow

I came to Boris Zolotov big annual seminar near Mocow, Russia. It's snowing here, but the snow is melting.
I tried to call Nikolay Denisov (teleportation researcher and teacher) and his assistant Marina Kapirova (she is very strong in clarivision), but it seems they are out of Russia. Last year at this time they went to India to study teleportation there. Maybe they went there again.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Assambley 2009 Motomoto, Moscow

I created things in Facebook:

Boris Zolotov news group
Assambley 2009 Motomoto event (big Zolotov seminar in Moscow) Nov 16 - Dec 1, 2009 (Page on Russian site.)

Join them!

Ассамблея 2008

Zolotov talks to your life

Jonas sent me a link for an article by Dvorkin about things supposedly happening at Boris Zolotov seminar. Here is my reply:

Dear Jonas, thanks for the quote. Its author, Dvorkin is well known as a one who criticizes anything esotheric (magical, real life). And the page you sent me a link to is a shame.

There is no public sex or other exagerations on Zolotov seminars.

But even if it was - what's the difference if Zolotov can heal cancer? I'm sure if Dvorkin or his close relative would get cancer - they would quickly change view of Zolotov seminars. Don't you think so? It's so easy to play purist when you stay aside. But when your life talks to you directly (as in case when a person gets cancer) - you begin to see real value in what people do. And those who know how to talk to your life and to your disease directly, they may use techniques that may seem strange to doctors from the clinic. But here a result is what counts, right? You either can heal or you don't.

And Boris Zolotov can heal and can do many other things. And overall he is a great guy.

Ассамблея 2008

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Origin of modern Russian clarivision research

While on Boris Zolotov seminar in Lazarevskoye (near Sochi, Russia) this summer I've heard from Zolotov following information. There was research into teaching clarivision on early Zolotov seminars. The best researcher was a woman from Feodosia, Ukraine (what's her name?).

So where do you think Bronnikov learned his clarivision? - asked me Zolotov.

As I know that Bronnikov is also from Feodosia, it seemed only logical to suggest that Bronnikov learned his clarivision skills from a woman who was a student of Boris Zolotov.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Michail Baranovsky about early Zolotov seminars

My girlfriend Gala returned to me (Kiev) from Kostroma, Russia and brought with her a book "Izrailovka" by Michail Baranovsky published in 1993 in Russia. It has a long and funny article about Boris Zolotov seminars. I mention this in a message to my teleportation reseach blog.

I shall scan this article and put it online. But it's in Russian.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Will Boris Zolotov help Russia's soccer team with magic?

Yesterday in live video from seminar at Sochi, Russia Boris Zolotov mentioned Russia-Germany soccer play tonight. I wonder-will he use magic to help Russian team win?

Like he had done it in Euro-2008, when Russian team won over Holland team.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Back from Zolotov seminar

So I'm back in Kiev, Ukraine. This time I've been at Boris Zolotov seminar for 50 days and I feel very good about it. I communicated a lot with Zolotov and now I even have a project with him - I'll collect materials for a book of his memoirs - it's gonna be a book of his wonderful stories beginning when he was just 3-4 years old and to present day. It's gonna be a great book about wonderful person, a magitian living among us, guys. I will sell it to one of Russian publishing houses and it will become popular among esoteric types.

Also I wrote a message about Zolotov seminar to my Teleportation blog

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

On the train

Train. It's time to turn the linens back to car attendant. I'll be the last to do it.

Tea time on the train

Early tea in the platscart car of train to Kiev. You can buy a cup of tea for 5 Hryvna (60 cents US) or you can get hot water for free and make your own tea or coffee - if you are an experienced traveller and you have brought them aboard. At Soviet times a cup of tea on the train costed only 0.02 rouble - a trifle.

Early morning in the train

Platscart car of Mariupol-Kiev train, early morning. We are heading back home to Kiev, Ukraine.

UFO in The Bible and Book of Mormon?

Yesterday we took a bus to the railway station in Donetsk, Ukraine. Two Mormon missionaries got into the bus. I like talking to these young American guys about life. This one is an ascendand from Joseph Smith's guard, who died in 1850 and left his diary. Pretty cool! I wish my grands would leave their diaries!

In Donetsk they converted into Mormons only 1000 persons - not much. He gave me A Book of Mormon in Russian. I already browsed through it a bit and the most interesting part is how the Mesenger appeared to Joseph Smith. It is very similar to modern accounts of UFO encounters - descending on a ray of light from a spaceship.

It reminds me what Boris Zolotov said about likeness between Christ's ressurection and UFO taking person up into a spaseship.

Update: I forgot the book in the train.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Leaving the border

We're leaving border with Russia on Ukrainian bus. Direction - Donetsk, Ukraine.

Back in Ukraine

We crossed border into Ukraine. I feel good here, more relaxed. One can walk around here without carrying ID with him or her. Good.
I placed Ukrainian sim-card into cell phone, now is he time to call mom.

Friday, September 11, 2009


This is last night on seminar for Istvan and Nora. In the morning they will fly home to Hungary. Now they act in mysery on the stage.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Spring flowers along Zolotov path

It's beginning of September. Spring flowers came up along the path to the beach just 5 m below our tea place. The flowers are only along the path and not in in the rest of the forest!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Istvan and Nora at my tea-place

Today our Hungarian friends Istvan and Nora drank some tea at my tea table on the path from beach.

Tonight we have heard very interesting tales from Boris Zolotov about his student years. How his student show team done things in Odessa, Moscow and Yerevan.

Hyper play photo

A scene from a hyperplay on Boris Zolotov seminar last night

Evening sun

Pretty girl from Zolotov seminar near storming sea last night - September 3, 2009

Monday, August 31, 2009

Eating fried meat

Tonight some people who are leaving Zolotov seminar threw a party and gave us traditional for Caucasus meat cooced over coals.
I suspect that Zolotov, as usual was using this event for some magical process.

I saw Dolphins in the sea!

A group of... tourists, including Boris Zolotov played water polo in the water near the shore. The game ended and several dolpins came. Very cool!

Time shifts

Time shifts and ajusting to new world base constants. Drawing by a seminar participant.

Sorry for bad quality.

ways to accomlish time shifts

This drawing supposedly shows ways to accomlish time shifts. It also has to do with time and new basc constants.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Sunset Aug 28, 2009

Tonight I witnessed a nice sunset. After sunset we had tea (although Zolotov said that at this night drinking tea is not good) and beer with dried fish on the path through forest from the beach.

Battery to solar panel on bus stop

Solar batteries on a bus stop near Sochi, Russia. I wonder, who paid for the installation?

Quality of attention - key to magic

1500 Was walking and thinking on Boris Zolotov magic. There are two parts to magic:
quality of attention
directing your attention (creating models)

How do I make quality of my attention better? By exercizing it! Like today - I imagined that with each step I am becoming healthier. I felt wonderful on my way back home.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Another wedding on seminar

2250 Right now we begin live video streaming from a wedding: Pavel takes Lilu (Emeshi and Sania's daughter) as his wife.

Solar energy on a bus stop

Solar batteries on bus stops near Sochi, Russia. I wonder, who paid for the installation?

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Watching hyper play

Gala and I are watching a fantastic hyper-play on Boris Zolotov Miracle-Party in Sochi, Russia. I wish we had matrasses in our university classrooms when I was a student. Also professors like Boris would be nice.

Photo on sunset

It was a magic sea today - like a gel. Clear and cold. Clouds in the sky look like a x-ray photo.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Inna Filiakovsky creates talismans

IAFP member Inna Filiakovsky creates talismans by painting stones on the beach.

Turtle's stones-1

Painted stones from The Turtle. First side.

Первая сторона сегодняшник камушков-талисманов от Черепахи.

Turtle's stones-2

Stones painted by Inna Filiakovsky, IAFP member (The Turtle). Second side.

Вторая сторона сегодняшних камушков-талисманов Инны Филяковской (Черепахи).

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Again riding a train

I am riding Russian close range electric train to town of Tuapse along the Black Sea shore.

I decided to go there and have a look at the town.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Will send love into tea and cookies!

I am sitting on a beach and enjoying the view and the sun. Just came out of the water where i was jumping into incoming waves.

As usual, in the evening I will make tea for my friends coming up from the beach. Begining now I will send love into tea and cookies that I will give them - as described in "Living on Love - The Messenger" book by Klaus Joehle.

I wii imagine sending from my heart a golden ray of love into the tea and cookies. Cool idea!

Сижу у моря, впервые пришел так рано (успел выспаться). Щас пойду нырять в волны. Стираю мелие облачка, создавать их еще не получилось, надо будет поспрашивать бывалых волшебников.

Придумал, как улучшить работу таверны - надо посылать любовь в чай и печенье, как это описано в книге моего друга Клауса Джоула, которую я перевел на русский. Для этого достаточно вообразить образами или словами, что направляешь яркий золотистый луч любви из центра груди в чашку чая. Вот так просто!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Birthday greetings party

Paul, Fedor and Tania are singing to Liudmila, the bithday girl.

Именинницу Людмилу поздравляли барды Павел Федор, потом к ним присоединилась Таня Пипикалка. Очень проникновенно она спела песню про голицина-Оболенского.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Going upwards along the creek

Went upward along mountain creek. Nice exploration walk! But it's time to go to the sea. Zolotov must be there. Maybe I'll see dolphins today.

Пошел в гору вдоль ручья. Сел на солнышке и пишу сообщения в жж. Пора уже идти на море, там, наверное, идет общение с Борисом Золотовым. А, может, и дельфины приплывут!

Farmers market

Yesterday Gala and I took train ride to the town of Lazarevskoye, Russia for shopping. I just missed a sale and didn't buy Puma sneakers. Instead, we bought lots of vegetables and cookies. Sitting on the grass in a park we enjoyed eating a mellon.

On the picture I stand inside local farmer's market building. You can see a lot of fresh fruits on tables.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Hungarian team gone

A team of Hungarian students has left Boris Zolotov seminar. They participated in a lot of mysteries during this week.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Viruses with no harm

A planet and the Moon in the sky over the hall where Boris Zolotov conducts his "Night Parties for Tourists" (new title for what used to be his seminars). He just finished a mistery to take the harm from the viruses.

Планета и Луна над залом туристических вечеринок, в котором только что закончилась первая часть гиперспектакля "Я счастлива, что вы больны не мною", в котором вирусы обучались тому, чтобы не быть вредоносными.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

A sea shell from the pirates

We came down to the beach and I got an item (sea shell) from pirate's chest - from Marchee. On the photo Kolia, Emeshee and me.

Шли на пляж, встретили Свету из Новочеркасска - она сегодня организовывает овощное блюдо в таверне. Круто, очень рад!

А на пляже Марчи раздавал сокровища из пиратского сундука. Мне досталась эта раковина с настоящим шумом моря. На фото со мной слушают шум моря Эмеши и Коля.

Tea night on the way to the sea

Tonight Boris Zolotov and his students again drink tea and talk about stuff in "The Tavern" on the path to the beach. I was serving tea with help frm my friends.

Сегодня Борис Золотов снова задержался в "таверне", чтобы выпить чашку чая и побеседовать с участниками туристических вечеринок.

Андрей угостил собравшихся медом с Алтая, лесными и кедровыми орехами с Байкала. Очень вкусный мед! БЕЗ угощал туристов вареной кукурузой.

А мне Ира торжественно вручила подарок-"премию" за мои старания по поддержанию работы "таверны". Я угадал, что это была бумажка (банкнота). Спасибо за такой полезный подарок!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Digging for space food on the beach

Second day in a row Zolotov conducts a mystery on the beach. His assistant Zina undigs from the gravel kits with Kosmonaut's food.

На пляже уже второй день происходит мистерия: Зина и БЕЗ выкапывают в гальке комплекты космической еды, которые, якобы, им сбросили с МКС. Сегодня еще подарили Шани и Дюри белую и черную футболки "Звездный городок".

Кстати, "свадьба" См. и О. несколько дней назад происходила одновременно со свадьбой, в которой участвовал космонавт на МКС.

Seals drawings

"Seal" drawing by Tania. Seal is located to the right from pyramid. Six mire seals are left to be drawn.

Рисунок Тани. Между пирамидой и свечой - "печать". Надо нарисовать еще шесть картин про остальные печати.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Hungarians are coming to seminar

Nice clouds over the sea. Hungarian students and their kids arrived to Boris Zolotov seminar. They were greeted with pirate flag.

В час красивых облаков над морем Витя привез венгров. Они все поместились в микроавтобусе. Среди них - Шани с Энеши. Встречали их с пиратским флагом.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Waves on the beach

On the photo: Larisa from Kursk, Russia. Today I had a lot of fun with waves on the sea.

Лариса из Курска фоткалась в волнах, попросил ее попозировать и мне. Я же пошел на правый край пляжа, где самые сильные волны, и попрыгал в них. Как здорово!

Сегодня отдыхаю и не делаю чай в таверне. Рано утром на семинар Золотова приедут венгры. Все их ждут.

А днем была работа такая: как бы свадьба См. и О., а потом еще нескольких пар.