Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Expert-operator trainings in Moscow

Boris Zolotov calls his way of scientific magic an expert-operator relations. He often says to his students to practice it where they are.

I'm creating a group in Moscow for practicing this weekly in Moscow, Russia. If you are interested in attending it - let me know by a comment to this post.

На семинаре Покуси. Москва, ночь с 21 на 22 янв 2010

Attended seminar by Galina Dukareva (Pokusia)

On January 21-25, 2010 I attended a seminar by (a student of Boris Zolotov) Galina "Pokusia" Dukareva. She lives and gives most of her seminars in Siberia. Here are some pictures:

Семинар Покуси. Обсуждение моей записи в блоге

На семинаре Покуси. Москва, ночь с 21 на 22 янв 2010

Семинар Покуси. Работа с деймонами

Here are links to my posts about this seminar in Russian:


Sunday, January 10, 2010

Pictures from Kostroma, Russia

I am visiting my friend in Kostroma, Russia. This is their bridge over wide Volga river:

у Волги в Костроме. Дек 2009

Near old Orthodox Church:

я у церкви на Нижней Дебре в Костроме. Дек 2009

On local market near fish sellers:

в Костроме. Дек 2009

More pictures from Kostroma.
My plan is: soon I will leave Kostroma, go to Moscow, then to Kiev, Ukraine.

Olga Zolotova seminar in Moscow - Jan 15-17, 2009

Boris Zolotov sister, Olga Zolotova, will give a seminar near Moscow on Jan 15-17, 2009.

Ольга Золотова в Карелии в 2008

This photo is from Olga Zolotova magical expedition to Karelia, Russia in 2008. She is researching Earth's megaliths and their roles and functions in long-range cosmic communications.

Participants tell that Olga Zolotova is giving very good seminars. She explains a lot of things that Boris Zolotov in no longer explaining.

Boris Zolotov gives small seminar in Novocherkassk

Just heard that Boris Zolotov with just a little team is giving a seminar in Novocherkassk, Russia (near Rostov-on-Don, Russia).

7 дек 2009 на Ассамблее Мотомото

Boris Zolotov in pirate dress on Assambleya-2009