Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Boris Zolotov leads an expedition to Mexico

Few days ago I met an elk in Moscow park-forest!

Пошел в лес Лосиный остров планировать пиар книг Клауса Джоула в мире в 2010 году - и встретил лося!

I went to the forest to plan my actions in year 2010 on promoting Klaus Joehle books on love in the world. Just as I began thinking on plan, I saw this big animal:

Пошел в лес Лосиный остров планировать пиар книг Клауса Джоула в мире в 2010 году - и встретил лося!

At the same time Boris Zolotov leads an expedition to Mexico. Are you in Mexico? Met him there!

Eugene tweets in Russian from the expedition and writes a blog.